Sheriff Burch E. Biggs ruled Polk County from 1930 to 1948, building one of the most powerful and brutal political machines in American history. Election fraud, graft, and police brutality were the order of the day. Aligned with Boss Crump in Memphis, he tried to extend his empire into neighboring counties. At the peak of his power during World War II, he was nearly unstoppable.

Inspired by the Battle of Athens, a bipartisan group of veterans formed the Good Government League (GGL) to challenge the Biggs machine. They put out a full ticket for county offices in the 1948 election. But unlike in Athens, there were fatalities on that election day, and the National Guard had be sent in to restore order.

A forbidden topic of discussion in many Polk County households for the past 75 years, it is long past time for this story to be told. With his newest book, The Biggs Machine, McMinn County author Tyler L. Boyd preserves this story in a single source for posterity.

Tyler Boyd’s The Biggs Machine is the fascinating account of Burch Biggs, the influential and notorious sheriff and politician from Polk County, Tennessee. Set in the turbulent years of the Great Depression, The Biggs Machine is a complex and often sordid story of the ambition, corruption, and violence that characterized the politics of a remote county in southeast Tennessee and is a must read for those interested in Southern history in general and small town politics in particular.

- Dr. Robert Barnett, Distinguished Professor of History, Lee University

The Biggs Machine tells the previously untold story of government corruption spanning decades. The rise and fall of this fierce political machine had ramifications and impact felt throughout Tennessee, not just Polk County. It is thoroughly enjoyable and historically accurate, yet sensitive to societal and political concerns that are still in play today. Boyd took on the tough task of bringing all the details together that tell this story, good and bad. History buffs and folks concerned with our political system will love it.

- Adrian Lambert, Executive Director, Tennessee Overhill Heritage Association

“The atrocities committed in Polk County by the Biggs’ Democrat Machine have lain silent far too long. Tyler Boyd’s book finally tells a story that is long overdue, and the people of this region owe a great debt to him for finally exposing the many outrages that occurred during those years when Polk County was controlled by that machine.”

- Carroll L. Ross, former Circuit Court Judge for the 10th Judicial District of Tennessee


Tyler Boyd’s extensive research has preserved an important uniquely American story about freedom and what is necessary to preserve it. This book confirms that police brutality, unfair elections and public corruption are nothing new. It also tells us how an independent citizenry overcame tyranny. Furthermore, this story teaches us that freedom can be lost without informed voters, fair, impartial jurors, and ordinary citizens who meet their civic responsibilities in adversity. The Biggs Machine should be read by every student of American democracy.

- Jerry Estes, former District Attorney General for the 10th Judicial District of Tennessee


Nellie Kenyon covered big stories in an era when men dominated the field of journalism. Her career began at the Chattanooga News, where she reported on World War I and woman suffrage. She received the first press pass at the Scopes Monkey Trial, where she befriended H.L. Menken. Her accomplishments include solving a bank robbery and reporting on the Georgia Tann baby-selling scandal. Later writing for the Tennessean in Nashville, she covered the poll tax repeal fight and school desegregation. Her coverage of the trials of Jimmy Hoffa won her several accolades. East Tennessee author Tyler L. Boyd returns with another life story, taking readers on a trip through the twentieth century through the eyes of a trailblazing Tennessee journalist.

"At a time of questions about the media, it is refreshing to read of an enterprising woman, who worked her way from getting in the door to being a model for uncovering facts and was a great storyteller. Tyler Boyd captures those moments and more in Nellie Kenyon."

- Tom Griscom, former editor and publisher, Chattanooga Times Free Press

"Who doesn't love a story that connects local, regional and national history? As someone who values history and the stories of remarkable players in our historical heritage, I urge you to read Tyler Boyd's latest work, Nellie Kenyon. I suggest you grab a copy and settle down in your favorite comfortable chair, perhaps with a soft afghan, and be prepared to read from beginning to end. It's that good. It's that insightful. You're going to love Nellie and her truly exceptional journalistic career. Yea, Nellie!"

- Linda Moss Mines, Hamilton County Tennessee Historian

"A great history of a five foot tall female journalist pioneer who was a giant in the newspaper industry. She covered many landmark cases including Scopes to Hoffa throughout the legal history of Tennessee. Her interview of convicted gangster Al Capone at the Chattanooga Terminal Railway Station on his way to the Atlanta Penitentiary to serve his sentence for income tax evasion is a classic example of tenacious work and creativity by a reporter."

- Jerry Summers, author and attorney


"In Nellie Kenyon," Tyler Boyd brings us another fascinating subject. Pioneering journalist and sometime detective, Kenyon broke some of the biggest news of the day, from woman suffrage and the Scopes Trial to black market adoption and desegregation. Abby Crawford Milton called her 'the best bird dog in the pack so far as news gathering.'"

- Ann Toplovich, former executive director, Tennessee Historical Society


After reading a letter from his mother, Burn cast the deciding vote to ratify the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, granting suffrage rights to millions of American women. Born and raised in McMinn County, he served in Tennessee government in various capacities for many years, including terms in the state senate and as delegate to state constitutional conventions. His accomplishments include helping secure universal suffrage rights, drafting clean election laws and leading successful careers in law and banking. He encountered more controversies in his career, such as an unsuccessful gubernatorial bid, election fraud and implementation of state legislative reapportionment. Harry T. Burn’s great-grandnephew, Tyler L. Boyd, chronicles the life and legacy of a Tennessee legend in this never-before-told life story.

As we approach the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment next year, Americans are discovering the history of the woman suffrage movement and the stories of the Americans who led it to victory. These stories are a vast part of our nation's history but they are not often discussed. It would be a tragedy if the stories of these trailblazers were forgotten by future generations. Works like this will keep their memory alive.

- U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee)

I encourage others to take time out and read this book and realize how a mother's love and persuasion moved her son to do what was right, even though unpopular at the time, and turned hysteria into history.

- former congressman Bob Clement (D-Tennessee)

"This book debunks the myths, repeated many times over the years, about Burn and that hot August day. It is a valuable addition to history, to have this story told, and by a family member who researched the topic meticulously."

- Former Tennessee House Speaker Beth Harwell, from her foreword


Harry T. Burn is known as the young Tennessee legislator who listened to his mother, taking her advice to support ratification of the 19thAmendment in 1920. Burn secured the right to vote for American women, but his life and character have remained unexplored. Now, in this deeply researched biography, Tyler L. Boyd finally brings us the full man, putting into context Burn's singular act of conscience, helping us to understand how one person can make a difference.

- Elaine Weiss, author of The Woman's Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote